It's surprising how some business don't appreciate Google maps and how the results come up in the search engine. With a search like "accommodation Rarotonga" which has 1,900 Exact search terms per month your business could be sitting on top with the Google with your map where others pay a lot of money to advertise in these areas like and as seen below because the commissions are very high when companies are taking 10% to 15% commissions per booking
It is not just related to the accommodation page can be anything from hair salons in your local area or city. So the question is how much is having your site on top of the search engine worth to you? Couple of hundred per year or a couple of thousand per year? What ever it is, having everything firing in your business especially your online is very important and just making some small adjustments can make a big difference.
So how do you know if your business would benefit from this model?
Do a Google search for your business in your area and see if a map comes up for a number of search terms. Do some keyword research on how many searches per month that people are actively searching for your business service eg. Plumbers in Auckland or Plumbers North Shore or Plumbers Davenport so you can narrow it from large to small demographic, but the chances are that if someone is looking for your service it will be suburb based.
If the answer is yes that your competition business comes up then it is worth setting up a Google+ page.
The next step would be go to Google map maker and place a marker for your business and fill out the business details. The next step would be to get verified from Google which can be done in a couple of ways depending on your country location, by phone, or post card which can take up to a month to arrive depending on your location.
Once your post card arrives just verify the business so you can start updating the content on the Google+ page. Just make sure you keyword your Google+ page to include the keyword search terms that people are looking for and list your details about your business, this can take some time but done properly it will leave your business in Google maps for month or years without doing any more work.
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