Larger Fonts
This is yet another one I’ve started to notice. It seemed
that for the longest of times, 12-14px fonts were the standard across the web
for body text. I’ve seen many websites opt instead for much larger fonts in the
range of 16-18px for just their body text. Here is one by Trent Walton. This is
significant in the fact that with responsive web design,
typography plays an important role in the readability of content. When 18px
font is displayed on a Phone, it’s much easier to reading than having to read
12px text. However, the trade-off on this is that when large Blog, articles are
written with such a large font, it becomes rather obnoxious when viewing it on
a larger, less pixel-dense screen.
New Colors
60 % of the apps on my home screen are one color. Blue. I
understand the color theory behind blue. We’re half of a decade into having an
application store with icons to represent apps, yet one color has consistently
ruled them all.
Websites from Tumbler to Pandora are lathered generously with an absurd amount of blue. Color theory is interesting as all get out. So get out there and change it up a bit. Not every color is going to work; that’s a fact. But there’s no harm in experimenting and stepping out of the norm.
This isn’t so much a trend as it is a plea, but maybe with a bit of wishful thinking, things will change.
Websites from Tumbler to Pandora are lathered generously with an absurd amount of blue. Color theory is interesting as all get out. So get out there and change it up a bit. Not every color is going to work; that’s a fact. But there’s no harm in experimenting and stepping out of the norm.
This isn’t so much a trend as it is a plea, but maybe with a bit of wishful thinking, things will change.
Web site designing in 2013 isn’t going to throw brand
identity to the wind in exchange for trendy and fashionable designs. There’s a
return to authenticity that’s coming into play more ever this year. web design doesn’t
harmonize with your mission and your vision; you’re more likely to fall flat.
As you revamp your image for 2013, don’t don the thick black glasses if you
have 20/20 vision, and lay off the quirky comedy if you’re a stuffy,
buttoned-up type. Play with what you have, don’t strive to imitate a fad in the
name of attracting more visitors. They’ll see right through you.
Large Photos
Websites inching toward the simpler side of things, multiple
images and loads of intricate graphics are going by the wayside. Instead,
websites are grabbing visitors’ attention with large images. Think micro shots
blown up to use as background images for a huge impact. Large visuals aren’t
exactly new; in fact they were pretty standard with Flash-based websites in the
past. But with the growing use of CSS3 & HTML5, the same strong-featured
types of sites will be optimized for tablets and mobile devices as well. Large
visuals help with your company’s visual branding too. They take up all of the
real estate on the web page, showing your visitors that you really own what you
Responsive Design
Responsive design made a monster splash in 2012. What
started out as a seemingly simple idea revered only by nerds has quickly grown
to a methodology used by giants such as Google, Microsoft, Disney, and time?
And why would the momentum stop? Tablet & mobile use is increasing a percent
or two by the month and while responsive web design has
made great strides to effectively target these users in 2012, the concept is
still in its infancy. In 2013, look for a greater amount of planning to be done
earlier in the process rather than building a desktop site and merely making it
responsive. As Luke Wroblewski writes in his acclaimed book titled “Mobile
First,” the idea of designing for the desktop first is quickly becoming
obsolete. Instead, designing with mobile in mind first can lead to cleaner
content and a better overall user experience.
The year 2012 saw a rapid rise of web font services. Adobe
purchased Type kit, The Font Bureau released Web type, and Hoofer &
Frere-Jones announced a web font service of their own. Overall, the design
industry is on the verge of a typographical renaissance as more designers use
these services in their repertoire. Furthermore, clever use of CSS and
JavaScript are allowing us to mimic a range of typesetting techniques,
including letterpress. In 2013, look for less Arial and Georgia and more Avenir
and Bodoni.
Huge Buttons
One thing responsive web design has
taught us is that there’s a lot more tapping and swiping happening on websites
nowadays. And because of the touch interfaces found on mobile devices, it
should come as no surprise that an upcoming trend for 2013 is for user
interface design to be as finger-friendly as possible. Initially, big buttons
were used for beautification, but in 2013 they’ll become a necessity. And it
doesn’t stop there. Rather than pinch zoom to read the tiny 12px type that was
for so long the standard in web design,
designers are opting for larger type. 16px body font size and 48px wide buttons
are the new black in 2013.
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