How to Get Clients For Web Design and Development Work

By link - Tuesday, 1 September 2015 1 Comment
If you are looking for the clients to get work for web design, development, marketing, etc. The first thing that you should keep in mind is to present the professional image of your company through an attractive website consisting of a large portfolio of the designed work because most of the customers look for the company's website first. It will make them feel that the company is providing good quality services they are looking for.
Next, it is important to have a unique identification of your company in terms of logo, stationary, business cards, website, etc.) it will represent your business well and also reflects the quality of work you do.
Referrals from Existing Clients
Most companies approach to new clients by the referrals of their existing clients. This way you can keep your existing clients satisfied and will increase your business progress.
You should remind your current clients that you're expecting for their referrals and keep in mind that you are not reminding them so frequently, just give them a gentle reminder after several months. You can also approach the same clients if they need your services again in future. It is suggested to do things like the following to stay connected with your past clients:
1) Send out a monthly newsletter to your clients
2) Send Greetings for festivals, holiday cards once a year
3) Mail postcards quarterly
4) Add a note to your bills and invoices
5) Send thank you mail after the successful completion of the project
Marketing for New Clients
Advertising does not have to be costly. You can set up advertising ads by setting up a Google AdWords account and invest only the amount you can. You can choose targeted keywords as per your budget and start creating an advertising campaign which is an effective way to get leads for the business.
Follow Up the Leads You Currently Have
Check out the contacts, address book, email and analyze the contacts, clients you have not worked with. Just ask them if they need services for web design, development or for other field also if they are not interested, ask for someone who needs to hire a professional web designer, developer for their work. If you already know them do not hesitate to contact them in future.
Don't be scared to talk
If you get any high level endorsement, Let the people know about it. Post it on the blogs and promote it. If you get any certification, you can add it to your business cards. It will build strong reputation of your company.
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