The 10 Questions To Ask A Web Designer

By link - Tuesday, 1 December 2015 No Comments
When clicking on a website the first part of the site which a user will see is the design of the site and this is enough for them to decide whether or not they want to stay on the site or not.
Looking at a website is all about first impression, if a user doesn't see what they want to see or don't like the look of the site the majority of the time they will click off it and never return.
Therefore, this is why it is so important to make sure your website looks good as well as working well. To have a good looking website you have to have a good web designer who can provide you will the results you want for your website.
When meeting with a web designer to discuss an agreement over the design of the site there are some questions you can ask them first, this way you will get the answers you want knowing they are a professional and reliable for the job.
The top 10 Questions to ask a web designer:
  1. What are your business results like for clients? By asking the designer this and if they are professionals they will already have case studies of clients increasing sales due to the web design or will be happy to provide you with some examples.

  2. How much do you charge for web design? Designing a website is something that takes time and expertise so can cost a fair amount, so if your web designer is charging a cheap rate this could be an insight that they may take shortcuts and not do they work properly.

  3. How much time do you spend researching and planning? It is important you find out that your web designer will spend a good amount of time planning and researching, this means the market, competitors and your business so that the website is designed appropriately and properly for your business so that it can compete and be successful online.

  4. Do you create wire-frames before designing a website? Find out whether your designer creates visual representations of where the content of the website will go before hand. This will show they are planning properly and not just jumping straight in to it.

  5. Are your websites you create easy-to-use? A website can look great but if it involves too much detail it could get users confused and you don't want this, you want a website that is easy to use for your users, it doesn't need to be over complicated or difficult.

  6. Do you carry out market research before hand? The designer should do this research to understand your customer base so they know exactly who they are designing a website for.

  7. Is competitive research also something you do? By looking and being aware of the competition it can help your results because the designer will know what you have to compete with in terms of business and website.

  8. Do you offer conversion and usability testing? You want to know your website and all it's pages are doing what they are supposed to so there is no one else better to test it than yourself.

  9. Are you going to analyse my site traffic before you start designing? The designer should know what parts of your site are getting more traffic than others, this way it can give them more of an idea how to go about the design, this way it will be designed for more traffic to visit more pages.

  10. The final question and probably the biggest is: How is your web design going to help my business? You don't want to be paying someone to do work which isn't going to give your business any improvements. You need to know the design is going to help towards your business goals.
By making sure you ask these questions to a web designer before the designing of the website begins you will be able to know and trust the designer doing the work for you knowing they are professional and will provide you with the best results.

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