If you have used Facebook much, you have probably realized
that the social networking authority has implemented some serious
changes. Every time something new is put into operation by Facebook I
hear a lot of complaints from general users about how the changes messed up a
perfect social platform; however, from the business point of view I knew
immediately that Facebook’s Edge Rank would be very beneficial for
businesses. Edge Rank is a scoring system based on the algorithms that
Facebook uses to determine which objects show up in the News Feed. In
other words, it is the attempt to optimize the news feed to show relevant
content to users.
Much like the search engines, Facebook is trying to please
their users rather than catering to internet-based businesses. This is a
good thing for business owners that take the initiative to understand and work
the elements of Edge Rank to their favor. The playing field on this
social media giant is no longer even. Understanding the scoring system
and implementing changes to your participation on Facebook has the potential of
putting you ahead in the game.
How Does Edge Rank Work?
Algorithms are pretty complex, but when it comes to Edge
Rank, the formula is rather simple. It figures in three variables to
score postings to decide what shows up in a user’s news feed. First it
considers the affinity score between the user and the creator of the
edge. Second, it gives weight to the type of edge that is created, and
third it considers time based on how long it has been since the edge was
created. Understanding these three elements will help you to improve
visibility of your company on Facebook.
Let’s explore the formula more precisely…
The definition of affinity is simply attraction or liking of
a certain thing. The creator of the edge is a person who responds to a
status update (likes, tags, comments on, or shares it with others). In a
nutshell, the affinity score is based on the relationship between the viewer
and the person that responds to a post. Therefore, status updates that
are likable and evoke comments and sharing are prime factors in your social
media marketing campaign.
The weight is related to the response that is
involved. For instance, a viewer can create, comment on, like, tag, or
share a post. While the weighting function has been kept pretty secret
for now, it makes total sense that a comment holds more weight than a like and
so forth. At any rate, any response holds value for you, the creator of a
status update, because responses create an edge. The edge means more
exposure for the post.
The time factor is pretty simple to understand. The
longer that it has been since an edge was created, the less important it
becomes. Engaging your readers becomes even more important. The
more discussion that surrounds a status update, the longer it will be of
advantage to you.
What Does Edge Rank Mean to You?
When it comes to internet marketing in general you
can take changes like a grain of salt or you can focus on mastering techniques
to take full advantage of the new concepts as they arise. When social
media was first introduced, there was a lot of controversy over whether or not
participating in social media marketing would hold value for a
business. Here at Leap Go, marketing in the social media arena has been
very beneficial with Facebook and Twitter being top of the list in the social
platforms. We suggest to our clients to take full advantage of the
marketing potential of Facebook by finding out more about how Facebook’s Edge
Rank affects your marketing efforts.
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