7 Hazardous Web Design Mistakes To Avoid

By link - Tuesday, 27 October 2015 No Comments
Every business should have a website that clearly depicts the company and product. Visitors should be able to easily navigate company websites so that they can find the information they are looking for quickly and easily.
However, too often businesses fall into the trap of developing an over-the-top web design that detracts from their users' experience instead of enhancing it. To make sure you avoid some common pitfalls, we're listing the top mistakes to avoid for your web design:
Working too fast
You want your website done soon because, after all, time is money. But getting your website up and running too fast can mean that you're missing out on targeting your audience. Spend some time researching your target audience to get an idea of what type of website will best suit their needs. Font, color, and graphics can all vary depending on who is going to be searching for your website. Spending a few days on research can have a big payoff when you finally start designing.
Thinking too generally
Your target audience is not everyone in the world. Limit your target audience and design your website for them. This won't necessarily leave out people who fall outside of your target audience, but it will avoid the pitfall of trying to include too many different elements into your web design.
Not staying up to date
Your job isn't done after your website goes live. Stay current with important upcoming dates, news about your company and/or industry, and most importantly your address and phone number. Customers who call a number that is out of service will assume that your business no longer exists.
Broken links
Before your website goes live, make sure every link works. There are fewer things more frustrating for a website visitor than dead links. This is also an important reason why staying current is so important. You should regularly be checking links, especially links outside your website, to make sure the websites still exist.
Automatic audio
Visitors rarely enjoy being forced to listen to audio and will end up being more annoyed than pleased to find that your website includes automatic audio. If you have audio you want to include, at least make it optional. In general, though, avoid including videos and music on your business website.
Too much information on your homepage
You're excited about your company and want to include everything from your products to the history of the company to the work history of your entire staff. But in general, visitors are uninterested in information that doesn't directly pertain to what they're looking for. Your homepage should be simple and direct by explaining your company and offering current contact information. Any other information can be included in additional pages, such as an About page, a History page, and/or a Staff page.
Doing it yourself
Unless you happen to have extensive experience with web design, your company's website should be handled by a professional. Find a web designer who will take the time to understand your business and your vision for your web design. Shop around to find someone you work well with because you will most likely end up working with them for years as you develop and change your website.
There are a lot of elements involved in web design, and avoiding these common pitfalls will help you develop a business website that is current, clear, and helpful for visitors. For more ideas on how to optimize your business's website development, contact us.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9206705


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