
3 Things to Consider While Redesigning a Website

By link - Wednesday, 17 February 2016 No Comments
Designing a new website is one thing, but redesigning an existing one, is an entirely different story altogether. The purpose of revamping an interface may range from enhancing the visual appeal to addressing the flaws & shortcomings of the existing website. It is important that both the developer and the client strategize the task carefully. Further, it is also essential to probe and find answers to the questions regarding the need & the possible outcomes of the revamped interface. Given below are three important considerations for achieving success in this aspect:

1. Strategy and Planning
Firstly, it is imperative to list down the specific expectations from the revamped site. Then, accordingly, a plan needs to be prepared, to ensure that the final output would meet these expectations. Some of the common goals of a revamp may include, reducing the bounce rate, improving conversion rates, providing more information, making the interface visually more attractive, and improving usability & SEO optimization.

2. Reviewing the Current Site
Redesigning does not always mean stripping down the entire website and starting totally afresh. There may be things on the current portal that do not require changing. Making a list of what can stay and what necessarily needs to be removed or altered may prove to be helpful in the procedure. It is also necessary to ask a few questions and make evaluations. For instance, does the look and feel of the website need to be completely new? If it's not absolutely necessary, it is advisable to keep the design somewhat similar to the old one, because the branding of the company can take a major hit with a completely new design. Also, repeat visitors can be affected adversely. Some other areas of evaluation include style, structure, traffic sources, layout, comparison with competitor websites, and more.

3. SEO Analysis
Probably the greatest area of concern while redesigning a website is its SEO performance. It can safely be said that search engines are the primary source of visitors for almost all websites. A major worry, while revamping, is to ensure that the SEO ranking is not affected negatively. A number of on-page and off-page factors are responsible for SEO rankings. For on-page factors, one needs to follow a simple parameter. If the site is doing good, keeping its current structure and coding will be wise. If it isn't doing well, then shaking things up a bit is necessary. Off-page factors such as the URL structure need to be evaluated carefully and should be kept unchanged, if it's not absolutely required. One needs to bear in mind that the URL should be SEO-friendly.

Surely, a total website redesigning can be overwhelming, to say the least. However, with a proper plan and strategy, it can definitely produce astonishing results for the organization. It is always advisable to hire a proficient web designing company, having an extensive experience and rich technical knowledge in this domain.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9316220


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