Think of it this way, if you're spending thousands of dollars for getting your website beautifully designed by a web design agency, would you like to spend more money and extra time to alter the site design in order to suit your optimization and business needs? Probably that's not a good idea! SEO is an ongoing activity and you must incorporate optimization techniques during the web design process to build a more effective website. Here are five dimensions to keep in mind when designing a SEO friendly website.
#1. Choose discoverable but unique domain name
A good SEO strategy and linguistic design practice start with choosing a domain name for your website that is easy to remember, think about, search for and navigate on the web. Your domain name will affect your search engine ranking. Follow four golden rules while selecting a brand domain name - short, easy to type, unique and keyword-based. It is a good practice to include keyword but not multiple keywords in your domain name. A recent study has revealed that the co-relation between domain name and keyword is fairly high. An exact keyword match in domain name has greater chances of ranking high in search engines. Buy a domain name that helps you create a success story.
#2. User-friendly link structures
What does, in your opinion, makes a website 'crawlable'? A crawlable website has a high number of quality links that can be easily discovered by search engine spiders. Creating search engine-friendly link structures is deemed important while designing a website. If your website lacks proper link structure, search engines will not yield appropriate results, and you don't want this to happen with your website. If you're targeting certain keywords, do make sure your internal links have those keywords in the anchor text and place them at the top in the HTML.
#3. SEO optimized content
Web metrics utilized by search engines give a high value to the quality of content in a website. The content present throughout your website is always under the radar of search engines. A website cannot be deployed with blank web pages. Your website must have quality content before it is made live on the Internet. Make sure the content you provide to the designer for placing on the website is visible and indexable to the search crawlers. Prepare text based on important keywords (but don't do keyword stuffing) before uploading on the website. The image or video description, page titles and meta descriptions should be optimized to make it easier for your website to rank well in search results.
#4. Responsive web design
Well, who doesn't know about responsive web design - a term that exploded in the digital forefront in the early 2012. In simple terms, responsive web design (RWD) means your webpages will reformat themselves depending on different screen sizes they are being displayed on. Ask your web design agency to develop a responsive website for your business if you want to succeed in SERPs. But what's the SEO benefit of responsive web design? From an SEO perspective, a responsive design is a better option because it becomes easier for Google or other search engines to crawl and index website content. Responsive websites have lower bounce rate as compared to those websites that are not responsive. With RWD you only need to focus your SEO on one single site.
#5. Integrate social media into website
A great SEO friendly website must include social media as it directly affects your SEO efforts. Search engines are much interested in the social recognition of your business. Integration of social channels into your website improves search ranking and conveys that your website is credible. When social media is integrated properly into your website, the SEO-social media synergism can drive more traffic to your website and capture more leads.
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